The Book in a Nutshell
- the book starts from birth of Your Internet life
- walk you through the memory lane
- reminds you of your past mistakes
- makes you realize the folly
- tells you how to grow up, and stop whining on Facebook, and commenting crap
- shows you the direction to a new set of Internet tools/sites to make better use atleast now
- by then, you will know where you stand
- helps you clean your online activities, so that you don't lose a job b'cos of it
- admonishes you on a thing or two
- makes you a better netizen in the end.
#Self: Taming Your Inner Online Menace - Carla Madden.
Discover the fine art of netiquette brush up on the dos and dont's of online dating and make some spare change without changing your underwear. An indispensable guide to becoming a savvier online you #Self: Taming Your Inner Online Menace offers practical advice and tongue-in-cheek wit on navigating one of the most intimidating (and exhilarating!) places out there - the internet.
- Synopsis of the Book by Carla Madden.
Now, this was a book that made my Sunday today. A Brilliant book.
I got to lay my hands on this book was simply because when I downloaded the Android app for Kobo ebook reader, I was gifted with this book as a complement. From there on, it has been one continuous addictive journey of book reading. Kobo is psychologically designed to incentivize your reading and motivate you into doing more and more of reading. I have been a loyal Aldiko user so far, and if Kobo has convinced me to switch over, it is definitely some serious success.
Please do read it. If you have any plans of maturing into an adult, seasoned and responsible Internet user within your life-span, go for it.
Here is a set of first thirteen points from the Book...
Chapter.13.1 The Basic Rules(of netiquette)
- I will remember there is a human behind the machine
- I will remember when I am on the Internet and comment accordingly
- I will forgive other people's n00b mistakes
- I will respond in a timely manner to emails, messages and posts
- I will not change my relationship status without notifying my partner
- I will not start a hate group about that gremlin I work with
- I will be discreet when posting on someone else's wall
- I will read all messages twice before hitting "Send"
- I will not default to "Reply all" because I'm lazy
- I will learn to spell at a Grade 8 level
- I WILL STOP USING CAPS and instead go to anger management class
- I will never forward another religious, cure cat or chain email again
- I will not UEABICSMF (use excess acronyms because I can't share my feelings)
- I will watch my sarcasm and tone or run my email thro..........Buy the book!
Do not forget to like/tweet this, who knows..your friends might be Interested too...
Be a good netizen and share the news!
Take care...
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