About me

Me, In a Nutshell...
"Neophiliac☀ blogger✏ writer☚ designer★ painter☻ right-brain guy♫♫♫ but thinks in Units of Science☢ and can be googled as 'Ramreva' "
Me, on expanding the Nutshell...

This is how I will look like if you were to catch me somewhere on the roads...although I won't be dressed as if there was an interview in the next few microseconds...But I like formals better.

Now the list below is what I do on the Internet, to know what I do in real life, lets be friends!

My Links across Internet...





What I do...with a brain that is active only on the right side...?

  • I dwell in the Internet, binging on Information + also adding value to it, by contributing the following...
  • Paiting, both traditional and digital
  • Cartoon, everything from politics, views to drunken scribbling
  • Views. I got some...seriously
  • podcasting and podcatching
  • Articles, I brag that this website is a blogazine, and not a blog
  • Generating and distributing ideas
  • Answering questions which people post on forums
  • And Writing my next book. Will let you know once its available for download

This website has the pages that hold some of my artworks...chances are the buttons were next to the button which you clicked, that got you to this page.

My book...not asking you to buy it! chill...

This is a science book...and like all science books, is heavily over-priced. I am working presently on books that are more generic.


Nanotechnology is poised to change the way we perceive and practice science. Nanomaterials are the ones that posses at least one dimension lesser than 100 nanometer (nm). The science of nanotechnology revolves around the ability to engineer, control and exploit the unique chemical, physical and electrical properties that the infinitesimally tiny man-made particles exhibit. A biomaterial is any material, natural or man-made, that comprises whole or part of a living structure or a biomedical device which performs, augments, or replaces a natural function. Hydroxyapatite(HAp) falls under the category of calcium phosphate based ceramics and has been used extensively for replacing and augmenting bone tissue. This book reports a comprehensive analysis on the combustion synthesis route for Hydroxyapatite synthesis, and the different characterization methods to decipher the product's size range, functional groups, crystallinity. A preliminary study on the applicability of HAp as an adsorbent in TLC is also reported.
