How do hobbies work? Explained.

Hobbies are important, no wonder generations after generations, our resumes have been carrying the information about our interests and hobbies. Ever wondered why you feel fresher after a brief period spent on your favorite activity? A lot has been said on the energizing nature of hobbies. But brain activities don't create energy, they consume it. Entropy rules! Then why or how do hobbies re-energize?

"a penny saved is a penny earned", a very old proverb. In fact the proverb here is so out of place that this discussion just lost its charm. But the saying says a lot. When read as "a calorie saved is a calorie earned", it makes sense, at least in this context. So getting back to how hobbies work, Hobbies are those activities that we choose to do, since we love or cherish doing them. Or better, passionate about doing those activities. Be it by nature or nurture, we all develop our unique interests and there is a part or module of our brains that is very capable of handling certain activities better than other people can.

Some paint, some sing, some write, some dance and some solve sudoku and crosswords. Not all can do everything. We do what we do best. But our jobs don't necessarily have to be the kind of activity that we might relish doing. You might be a painter working as a Sales person. Now this is tough, at least until when your brain learns new ways to efficiently form neuronal patterns that can handle new activities better, like remembering names (memory), mailing, thinking, decision making and calling, all at the same time (multi tasking) etc. Most of which are something not generally the kind of things that introverts do. So in the process of doing these new stuffs, our brains consume huge amounts of energy, simply put, more glucose and oxygen. So after a while (until the stamina gradually increases with practice) we are bound to feel tired. That's just normal and fair. For the brain needs rest now and then, to re-energize and form better patterns. In order to make something out of the gathered information, we humans need rest.

Hobbies, on the other hand, are activities our brains are better capable at handling. The patterns of neurons that makes a painter a painter, is unique to him/her. Your unique thinking patterns process data more efficiently and effortlessly. Passion fuels these activities. This makes the brain exercise a different part of the brain, which is already well designed to handle that specific and unique favorite hobby or hobbies of yours. So, you spend lesser energy as you indulge in your hobby, and by this time, the tougher job's data has been sorted and you are good to go again.

Not to mention that you are emotionally charged again and the hobby facilitated dopamine and endorphins are doing their magic. Congratulations, you just got more productive.

A "Thought Leader", answered I...

I had to answer a question. I loved to answer the question, too. I was just glad that I now stay with friends who ask me such questions. The question was...

What do you really want to become dude? When will you consider yourself a success?

It made me think for two seconds, not because I had to generate the answer, but because the processing speed of our brain is much more faster than the flexibility of our tongue muscles. The sentence got compiled in those two seconds. I answered...

Success is a relative term. And going by that definition, I am already a sucess. But if a goal were to be attached to quantify the success... then I want to be a "Thought Leader".

Now a friend who asks such a queston, is sure a serious question shooter. He was, and he went on...

So is it like you want to be a CEO or something? A business entrepreneur kind of??

Now this question demanded more of my processing potential! I had to phrase it properly, I had to deliver the answer with accurate precision. The entropy of the information had to be minimised as much as possible. I went ahead and replied...

A thought leader is one who makes it his responsibility to innovate, which requires a deep understanding and conherent thinking across many domains, to create a holistic and innovative concept/product/anything that was previously undone, but that which needs to be done with an urgency more than ever.

In short, if you think CEO's are the cream layer, a thought leader is one who lays the framework/model by which the CEO's think, and hence the term thought leader. He/she does what a scientist does to science. Science and scientists are in a symbiotic relationship. But, a thought leader and management science are in a mutualistic relationship.

By the end of the answer, the pulses of neuronic firing that existed in my brain embodying these concepts, gained a crisp clarity and identity in the more universal and Generic language of English. 


Wikipedia too talks on such stuffs, it would be a lot more easier if you could read about "Thought Leaders and Thought Leadership", using the link below. For in wikipedia, thousands of thought patterns converge to form an article, and at times such crowd-wisdom's co-creation is easier to understand.

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A Soft New World : Paradigm shift in power, porn, and population

Soft-Skills... Soft-Power... Soft-Ware... Soft-Porn...

we are in the age of fine refinements. 

Soft Power

British Empire, just a few decades ago was famous for wielding Hard Power, with strong expansion policies. Now, things have changed. It is the era of Soft-power, you are reading and I am writing in "English", we all watch and listen to BBC, we download BBC podcasts, become members of British Library's Cultural relations 'programme'. The expansion policy still holds good, but it is soft. It is refined. Enter the Soft New World.

Soft Porn

Porn is a different game altogether. BDSMCFNM, BBW, MILF and many more perverted concepts are gone. Porn industry now is focusing on 'Female-Friendly' porn! Wonder what that means! In simpler terms, it is a porn where the emphasis is not 'Sex' but to  'Make-love', emotions matter here, and that's all that matters. A Softer porn, more like our everyday life stuffs. Blame it on your mirror neurons. 

Softer Softwares

We don't see major software and OS designs anymore, or at least, as frequent as they used to be. All that we see are OS updates/upgrades, Software patches that are pushed when we are online. We don't want to shift environments, do we? Isn't it? Apple people/Android People/Windows people?

Soft Skills

Soft-skills, are the norms of the modern corporate. Frederick.W.Taylor's Scientific principles are slowly taking a back seat. Behavioural Economics are shaking up the very mindset of corporations and governments worldwide. It is in the small things that the major bucks are hidden. Advertising is not just tag lines anymore. Advertisements are now a very psychologically thought-about form of marketing. Sometimes called Neuro-marketing or Synaptic Branding.

Why all these Shifts?

Simple, we are not hungry anymore. We are not at war. Our Governments are fairly functioning well. If at all we are at war with the government, it is not because we don't have food, freedom or electricity. The soft-revolutions are now more about making the governments more efficient, free of corruption, better legislation, better administration, better global policies. We are at peace! 

A Brave New World? 

Nope, this is something better.

The Soft New World.

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